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Manual or motorized shutter? Which is right for my application?

Manual or motorized shutter? Which is right for my application?

Here at Security Shutter Ltd., we have a variety of operation types you can have installed with your new roll shutter system. However, how do you know which one is ideal for your application specifically? 

When it comes to the overall operation, there are two ways you can go: manual operation or motorized operation. The majority of times, manual operation will be cheaper than motorized with the exception of when your roll shutter unit is more than 13 feet wide. To build a manual system for this width is actually more complex and therefore, more expensive than a motorized shutter. 

Are you considering going with manual operation for your new shutters? Listed below are 3 types of manual operation and where they would be most ideal.


1. Tape Pull & Tape Winder Mechanism

Tape pull roll shutters are a great, economical manual operation alternative. Simply pull up on the cord to raise the shutter. To lower the shutter, pull the cord towards you. The cord will self coil into the tape pull mechanism.

*Key Benefit: Allows an exterior mounted shutter to be operated from the interior.

Unfortunately, the tape pull system does have a few limitations. For example, you can only use a tape pull mechanism on roll shutter curtains under 45 pounds (20kg). Going over this would significantly speed up the deterioration of the tape and other moving parts. This limits this system for use to residential projects with small windows.

Manual tape winder roller shutters are easy to use. Simply wind the cord up or down using the provided crank handle until the shutter reaches the top or bottom limit and stops. 

Just like the tape pull, the tape winder has limitations. In this case, you can only use a tape winder mechanism on roller shutter curtains under 55 pounds (25kg). Going over this would significantly speed up the deterioration of the tape and other moving parts. This also limits the tape winder system for use to residential projects with small to medium windows.



2. Crank/Gear Assist Operation 

A simple manual roll shutter alternative with a great security feature. You can lock the shutter from the axle with anti-push up mounts in a gear assist system. Combine it with a slim lock and you will have double the security!

*Key Benefit: Allows an exterior mounted shutter to be operated from the interior.

When installing the crank handle to the exit, make sure to fasten the universal collar securely to the adjacent structure.

To operate the system, insert the crank handle into the 90-degree joint pivot. Lock the handle in and crank the roll shutter to your desired position.

Next to motorized, crank/gear assist operation is one of the most secure means of locking shutters.


3. Spring Assist Operation

Spring Assist Roller Shutters are pushed up and pulled down by hand. This type of operation comes with a bottom bar central key lock (Slim-Key Lock). This style can be used on almost any opening: windows, doors, and even countertops. When used for the applications just mentioned, it makes it easy to access the key lock, which is situated on the bottom bar of the curtain. 

The maximum width where spring assist operation can be used is approximately 8 feet (96 inches).  


Spring Assist w/ Slim-Key Lock

(Picture above: Spring Assist roll shutter with Slim-Key Lock)



If you are considering motorized operation, there are two ways you can go about it. Here at Security Shutter Ltd., you have the option to go with RTS motorized operation (remote capabilities) or STD motorized operation (momentary switches) for your roll shutters.

1. RTS Motorized Operation.

With a click of a button, you can have your shutters roll up or down! Radio technology tubular Somfy Altus RTS motors enable you to control roll shutters, roll-up doors, grilles, and many other security products with a remote or through a wifi app from anywhere in the world.

Somfy RTS Motors

2. STD Motorized Operation.

Somfy standard 4-wire tubular motor is an ideal choice for new construction projects where you still have access to the inside of the wall and hard-wired switch control is preferred.


Somfy Standard Motors





If you still have questions about which operation type would work best for you, call or email us today! Phone: (866) 765-5366 | Email: solutions@securityshutter.ca










roll shutters Calgary

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